France Detailing

Informations sur le France Detailing instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Odoo Affiliate Management
Affiliate extension for odoo E-commerce store
Facebook Catalog Integration
Facebook Catalog Integration allows you to send the products of odoo as feeds into facebook Market.
Frequently Bought Together Products
The module provides the opportunity to up-sell by showing frequently together on the product pages of the Odoo website.
Google Shopping Feed
This module allows you to send the products of odoo into google shop.
Amazon Pay Payment Acquirer
Amazon Pay Payment Acquirer
Product and Category Multiple Website
Website Refer And Earn
Odoo Website Refer And Earn allows your customers to refer your business to their friends and earn Bonus Points.
Website Loyalty Program
The module helps to win your customer loyalty .
Website Extra Order Line
Add an extra line on Website Sales Order, this module is used by other modules like loyalty module, etc.
Website Loyalty Program
The module helps for loyalty while refer and review
Wk Custom Mailing Newsletter
Enables the website wise mass mailing feature.
Wk Paypal Sendcloud Custom
Paypal compatible with the sendcloud
Website: Product Review
The module allows you to display customer reviews and feedback on the Odoo website. The customer can also give a thumbs up or thumbs dow to a review.
Website: Review Your Purchases
The module allows the customers to give ratings to their purchased products on the Odoo website.
Website Fitter
Fitter Locator display location of your Fitter in the google map.
Website Fitter Color Selector
Color selector of car & alloys
Des devis aux factures
Factures & Paiements
Odoo Affiliate Management Coupon Extension
Coupon extension for Odoo Affiliate Management module
Advance Order Status Management
Sale Order Invoice Status permits you to see the shipping, invoice, and payment status of a product. You can view the status on the sales order homepage or consider the detailed status on that particular sale order page. Odoo Sale Order Invoice Status lets you manage and see every detail from a single screen.
Suivez vos pistes et signez des opportunités
Site web
Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
Gestion de la comptabilité financière et analytique
Bons de commande, conventions et accords
Point de vente
Interface PdV conviviale pour les boutiques et les restaurants
Vendez vos produits en ligne
Ordres de fabrication & nomenclatures
Email Marketing
Concevoir, envoyer et suivre des emails
Créez et customisez vos applications Odoo
Gestion des documents
Centralisez les informations de vos employés
Ratio Calculation
Ratio Calculation
As Redirection
As Redirection
As SMTP Website
As SMTP Website
Recyclage des données
Retrouvez d'anciens enregistrements et archivez/supprimez-les
Sendcloud Shipping
Compute shipping costs and ship with Sendcloud
Mass Mailing Theme (with color picker)
Send beautiful with your brand colors. 60+ new mailing snippets. (Mass mailing theme, Mass mailing template, Massmailing theme, Email Template)
Hide Header Footer
Facility to hide Website header footer for particular page or all pages.
Centralisez, gérez, partagez et développez votre bibliothèque de connaissances
Lenbox Payment Acquirer
Lenbox Payment Acquirer integrates Lenbox with your Odoo for accepting quick payments from customers.
Website WebP Image Conversion
Website WebP Image Conversion is a powerful tool designed to optimize your Odoo website performance and user experience. The Image converter helps in image compression and website optimization. Also, the module enables you to optimize the speed of your Odoo website. The Odoo app can easily be enabled or disabled from the backend.
Website Paypal Express Checkout Payment Acquirer
Odoo Paypal Express Checkout Payment Acquirer integrates Paypal with your Odoo for accepting quick payments from customers.
Odoo Direct Print PRO
Print any reports or shipping labels directly to any local, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth printer without downloading PDF or ZPL!
Odoo Direct Print PRO PoS
This module allows to use Direct Print with Odoo Point of Sale
Partner Address Autofill | Customer Address Autofill | Contact Address Autofill
AutoFill Of Address Google places API Customer Address Auto Fill Based On Google Places Address Autofill Based On Google Places Auto Fill Street Auto Fill PIN Auto Fill Country Contact Address Auto Fill State Company Address Auto Fill Odoo
Point of Sale Retail Shop| POS Retail Shop| All In One POS Retail| POS All In One| Point of sales All In One| POS Responsive| POS Order History| POS Order List| POS Bundle| POS Signature| POS Keyboard Shortcut| POS Direct Login
Retail Point Of Sale Solution Retail POS cash in cash out own customer discount mass update product tags own product template auto validate pos quick print receipt import pos secondary product suggestion pos access right pos auto lock cancel whatsapp return exchange pos all feature Restaurant & Shop Retail All In One POS Enterprise POS Community All In One POS all in one features pos Reorder pos Reprint pos Coupon Discount pos Order Return pos order all pos all features pos discount pos order list print pos receipt pos item count retail pos retail import sale from pos create quote from pos odoo All in one pos Reprint pos Return POS Stock pos gift import sale from pos multi currency payment pos pay later pos internal transfer pos disable payment pos product template pos product operation pos loyalty rewards all pos reports pos stock pos retail pos label pos cash control pos cash in out pos cash out pos logo pos receipt all pos in one all pos in one retail odoo All in One Point of Sale Point of Sale Features POS Features Product Multi barcode for POS POS Multi barcode Discount in POS Customer DIscount Point of sale POS Category Slider Point of Sale category slider Import POS Order from Excel Import POS Order from CSV Import Multiple POS Orders Import Multiple POS Orders from Excel Import Multiple POS Orders from CSV POS Realtime Quantity Update POS Realtime Qty Update POS Realtime Stock Update Realtime Stock Update POS Disable Button Option POS Disable Button Feature Disable Button POS POS Hide Button Disable Button Access Create PO from POS Create Purchase Order from POS Create PO from Point of Sale Create Purchase Order from Point of Sale Generate Purchase Order from POS Request for Quotation from POS Request for Quotation from Point of Sale RFQ from POS RFQ from Point of Sale Create Purchase Order POS Product Variants Popup POS all in one features pos Reorder pos Reprint pos Coupon Discount pos Order Return POS Stock pos gift pos order all pos all features pos discount pos order list print pos receipt pos item count retail pos retail import sale from pos create quote from pos Point of Sale Product Variants Popup POS Product Multi Variants Select Product Variants Product Variant Suggestion POS Orderlist Filter Point of Sale Orderlist Filter Orderlist Filter in POS Order list Filter Point of Sale Order list Filter Order list Filter In POS SO from POS Sale order from POS Sale order from Point of Sale SO from Point of Sale Quotation form POS Quotation form Point of Sale Generate Sale Order from POS Generate Quotation from POS POS Product Suggestion POS Related Products Point of Sale Product Suggestion Pos Recommended products Dsiplay Related Product POS Product Weight and Volume POS Product Weight POS Product Volume POS Product Volume information POS Product Weight Information POS Product Weight Details POS Product Volume Details Point Of Sale Secondary Unit Of Measure POS multiple UOM POS multiple Unit of Measure Product Unit of Measure Multiple Unit of Measure POS Portal Portal POS Point of Sale Portal Portal Point of Sale POS Product Bundle Sale Combo Combo of Product Bundle of products Pack of Products Combine two or more Products in POS Access Rights in POS POS Access Rights Disable Discount Button Disable Price Button Disable Plus minus Button Disable Payment Button Restrict Numpad Auto Lock POS POS Screen Auto Lock Auto Lock Screen POS Session Lock Auto Lock POS Bag Charges POS Carry Bag Charges POS Carry Bag Option Bag Charges Carry Bag Charges Carry Bag Option POS Bag Size Option Add Bag Charges Add Carry Bag Charges Cancel POS Orders Cancel Point of Sale Order POS Order Cancellation Cancel Order Delet POS Order POS Chatter Add Chatter in POS Add Chatter in Point of Sale Point of Sale Chatter Chatter History POS Chatbot Point of Sale Chatbot POS Item Counter Item Counter Point of Sale Product Counter POS Product Couter POS Item Calculator POS Product Count POS Default Customer Point of Sale Default Customer POS Default Invoice Point of Sale Default Invoice Point of Sale Default Customer Invoice POS Default Customer Invoice POS Bydefault Customer POS Bydefault Invoice POS Login POS Direct Login POS Signin POS Direct Sign in POS Keyboard Shortcut Custom Keyboard POS Custom Keyboard POS Shortcut Key Access POS Shortcut POS Pricelist POS Logo Point of Sale Logo POS Custom Logo POS Notes POS Line Notes Point of Sale Order Line Notes Point of Sale Order List POS Remove Cart Item Point of Sale Remove Cart Item Point of Sale Cart Item Remove POS Item Remove POS Clear Cart POS Delet Cart Item POS Cart Clear Remove Cart Item POS Rounding POS Rounding Amount POS Rounding Enable Point of Sale Rounding Cash Rounding Rounding Payment Rounding Rounding Off POS Customisation POS Customization Point of Sale Customization POS Stock Display POS Stock Quantity POS on Hand Quantity POS Inventory Stock Quantity POS Forecasted Quantity POS Incoming Quanity POS Whatsapp Integration Whatsapp Inetegration Point of Sale Whatsapp Integration POS Own Customer POS Specific customer Salesperson specific customer POS Special Customer User Own Customer POS User Own Customer POS User wise Customer POS Own Product POS Specific Product POS User Specific Product POS User own Product POS Saleperson Specific Product POS Product Tags Point of Sale Product Tags POS Product Search by Tags POS Tags Search Product Tags Search Auto Validate Point of Sale POS Auto Validate Auto Validate Auto POS Session Auto Validate POS Session POS Order Product Template Product Custom Template POS Product Template Build POS Product Multiple Template POS Product Variants POS Product Multiple Variants Merge Categories POS Categories Merge POS Merge Categories Point of Sale Discount POS Custom Discount POS Sale Line Discount POS Discount Odoo POS Receipt With Discount Employee Discount POS Employee Discount Product Code POS Product Code MAnage Product Code Product Quantity Pack Product Pack Product Package Product Bundle Product Combo POS Product Pack Customize Product Pack Customize Product Bundle POS Section Point of Sale Label POS Order Label POS Category POint of Sale Cart Line Label POS Cart Line LAbel POS exchange POS Return and exchange POS Order Exchange Point of Sale Order Exchange Point of Sale Order Return Manage Return Manage Exchange POS Product Return POS Product Exchange POS Product Return Odoo POS Refund POS All in one pos all in one pos point of sale all in one point of sale Odoo What Is a Retail POS Solution What Is a Retail Point Of Sale Solution Retail POS System Retail Point Of Sale System Retail Point of Sale Software Retail POS Software Top Retail POS Systems Top Retail Point Of Sale Systems Best Retail POS Best Point Of Sale Retail Best Retail Point Of Sale
Website Address Autofill
Address Auto Fill AutoFill Of Address Google places API In eCommerce Website Sale Address Auto Fill Based On Google Places Address Autofill Based On Google Places Auto Fill Street Auto Fill PIN Auto Fill Country Auto Fill State Odoo
WEBP Image Attachment
Website Customer Groups
Manage Website Product Category List of Product, According To Customer Group
Website Customer Groups Custom
Manage Website Product Category List of Product, According To Customer Group
Sendcloud eCommerce
Integrate your web shop with Sendcloud
Website Webkul Addons
Website Webkul Addons allows Odoo users to manage all Webkul’s Odoo website Related modules from single page.
Wk Discount Code Custom
Custom app for the Discount Code
Webkul Sendcloud Customization
Webkul Sendcloud Customization
Envoyer des documents à signer en ligne et gérer vos documents complétés
Suivez, priorisez et résolvez les tickets clients
Gérer et publier une plateforme eLearning
Publiez vos événements, vendez vos tickets
Chat, passerelle de messagerie et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Planifiez des réunions d'employés
Marketing social
Gérez vos réseaux sociaux et les visiteurs de votre site web
Marketing Automation
Construisez des campagnes de mailing automatisées
Permettre aux gens de réserver des réunions dans votre agenda
Envoyez vos sondages ou partagez-les en direct.
Réparez les produits endommagés
SMS Marketing
Concevoir, envoyer et suivre des SMS
Utilisez des lecteurs de codes-barres pour traiter les opérations logistiques
Organisez votre travail avec des mémos